
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Episode 39: Grief & Mourning during the holiday season
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Friday Dec 06, 2024
This is the longest episode in this podcast's history. But some things just need to be shared...even when it isn't fun. Even when it's uncomfortable and sad, and hard. The holidays magnify all emotions. The happy emotions are even bigger and better. The harder emotions are bigger and can feel impossible to navigate at times. But, rest assured, you are not alone. I'm sharing some stories from my experiences of losing my husband and my dad to death, my mom to dementia then death, and my second marriage to divorce. (I feel so Elizabeth Taylor saying "My second marriage". I wish it wasn't part of my story, but it is in fact a powerful part of my testimony.) I share about "grief week", the "Bath Towel Boo Hoo", and "The Powell Howl". How journaling can be helpful when you're processing the loss of a favorite person. This episode was requested by Carla Hummel, a friend who recently joined "The Club No One Wants to be In". Carla is in The Healthy Body Book Club on Facebook and responded to a post where I asked for podcast topics. I immediately "whined" that it would be hard and no fun and all the excuses. But then I realized, the holiday season can make it all harder. And perhaps something in my story can be an encouragement to you. If it is, feel free to share it with a friend, on social media, or anywhere else it might be helpful. Thank you for listening.
My email is: diannawallacend@gmail.com
On Instagram I'm @diannawallacend
If you're on Facebook, request to join "The Healthy Body Book Club", a private group where Christian women receive weekly encouragement in a live video from me.
If you'd like to snag a copy of my book, Healthy Body: Twelve Principles for Peace, Health, and Crazy Joy, it's on Amazon. Here's the link - https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Body-Principles-Peace-Health/dp/1091096538